All the hundred-and-twenty-four-thousand prophets were sent to preach one word. They bade the people say “Allâh!” and devote themselves to Him. Those who heard this word with the ear alone, let it go out by the other ear; but those who heard it with their souls, imprinted it on their souls and repeated it until it penetrated their hearts and souls, and their whole being became this word. They were made independent of the pronunciation of the word, they were released from the sound and the letters. Having understood the spiritual meaning of this word, they became so absorbed in it that they were no more conscious of their own non-existence. ~ABÛ ‘L-FADL MUHAMMAD IBN HASAN


All the hundred-and-twenty-four-thousand prophets were sent to preach one word. They bade the people say “Allâh!” and devote themselves to Him. Those who heard this word with the ear alone, let it go out by the other ear; but those who heard it with their souls, imprinted it on their souls and repeated it until it penetrated their hearts and souls, and their whole being became this word. They were made independent of the pronunciation of the word, they were released from the sound and the letters. Having understood the spiritual meaning of this word, they became so absorbed in it that they were no more conscious of their own non-existence.