Truth has been planted in the center of the heart as Allâh’s trust, entrusted to you for safekeeping. It becomes manifest with true repentance and with true efforts. Its beauty shines on the surface when one remembers God and does the dhikr. At the first stage one recites the name of God with one’s tongue; then when the heart becomes alive one recites inwardly with the heart. ~Shaykh Sayyid Abdul Kadir Gilani (RA)


Truth has been planted in the center of the heart as Allâh’s trust, entrusted to you for safekeeping. It becomes manifest with true repentance and with true efforts. Its beauty shines on the surface when one remembers God and does the dhikr. At the first stage one recites the name of God with one’s tongue; then when the heart becomes alive one recites inwardly with the heart.

~Shaykh Sayyid Abdul Kadir Gilani (RA)