This is the Du’a that Mawlana Shaykh al-Islam al-Hajj Ibrahim Niasse (RA) used to advise the Tijanis to recite in the nights of the blessed Month of Ramadan on a regular basis:


baye bayeاللهم إني أسئلك بك و بخاتم أنبيائك و بخاتم أوليائك أن تؤيدنا في أداء حقوق شهر رمضان و ألهمنا فيه الرشد في سائر احكامه و وفقنا لسنة نبيك و ارزقنا فيه تعظيم ما عظمت و اعصمنا فيه عن كل غائل من دسائس النفس و رعوناتها حتى لا يصدر منا إلا ما فيه رضاك و اقطعنا عن كل ما سواك و املأ قلوبنا من حبك و معرفتك و خوفك و التشوق إليك و طهرنا بالتقوى يا أرحم الراحمين يا حنان يا منان يا بديع السماوات و الأرض يا ذا الجلال و الإكرام يا حي يا قيوم اصلح شؤوننا ظاهرها و باطنها حقيرها و جليلها و آخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين


Allahumma inni As’aluka bika

wa bi-Khatami Anbiya’ika
wa bi-Khatami Awliya’ika
An Tu’ayyidna fi Adaa’i Huquqi Shahri Ramadan
Wa Alhimna fihi r-Rushda fi Sa’iri Ahkamihi
Wa waffiqna li-Sunnati Nabiyyika
Wa Arzuqna fihi Ta’zima Ma Azzamta
Wa’simna fihi an kulli Gha’ilin min Dasa’isi n-Nafsi wa Ra’unatiha
Hatta La Yasduru Minna Illa ma fihi Ridaka
Wa’qta’na an Kulli Ma Siwaka
Wam’la Qulubana min Hubbika wa Ma’rifatika
Wa Khawfika wa t-Tashawwuqi Ilayka
Wa Tahhirna bi t-Taqwa
Ya Arham al-Rahimin Ya Hannan Ya Mannan
Ya Badi al-Samawati wa l-Ardi
Ya Za l-Jalali wa l-Ikrami Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum
Aslih Shu’unana Zahiraha wa Batinaha Haqiraha wa Jalilaha
Wa Akhri Da’wana ani l-Hamdu li-Llahi Rabbi l-Alamin.
(End of blessed Dua)

The summary of its meaning is:

“O Allah I ask you by You and by the Seal of Your Prophets and by the Seal of Your Saints to support us in fulfilling the Rights of the Month of Ramadan and guide us in it to the Straight Path in fulfilling its rulings and grant us to follow the Sunnah of your Prophet (SAW).

And guide us to in it to honor that which You have honored and protect us in it from every subtle trick of the Nafs and its egoistic actions, until we say and do nothing except that which pleases You.

And cut us from all other than You and fill our hearts with Your Love and Your Ma’rifah and Your Fear and the Desire for You!

And purify us through Taqwa, O Most Merciful One, O Most Compassionate, O Ever-Providing One, O Originator of the Heavens and the Earth, O Majestic and Generous One, O Ever Living, O The One in Charge, fix all our affairs–the outward and the inward–the significant and the insignificant–and our final prayer is All Praise be to Allah The Lord of the Worlds”.

In one famous letter, Mawlana Shaykh-al-Islam (RA) also encouraged the Tijanis – in Ramadan – to: “discuss the Divine sciences of this Tariqah and its Master (RA)” as well as “his Faydah through which the secrets and realities were opened and perfected for us”.

Translated by Fakhruddin bin Ahmad al-Tijani

posted on  Muhammad Abdullahi Al-Tijani Al-Ibrahimi‘s page