Sikhism is a monotheistic Religion

It is mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib, volume 1 Japuji, the first verse: “There exists but one God, who is called The True, The...

Look whom you befriend

In an authentic Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so...

On Friendship

Allah the Exalted says in the Qur'an: "And (remember) the Day when the wrong-doer will bite his hands and say: Woe to me! Would...

Allah says:

"O you who believe! Take care of your own selves. If you follow the right guidance and enjoin what is right and forbid what...

On Companionship

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The example of a good companion and a bad companion is like that of the seller of...

verset du jour

Ceux qui commettent des mauvaises actions comptent-ils que Nous allons les traiter comme ceux qui croient et accomplissent les bonnes oeuvres, dans leur vie...

يا سيد السادات

يا سيد السادات جئتك قاصدا  أرجو رضاك و أحتمي بحماك  والله يا خير الخلائق إن لي  قلبا مشوقا لا يروم سواك  و بحق جاهك إنني بك مغرم  و الله...

verset du jour

" Vous sont interdits la bête trouvée morte, le sang, la chair de porc, ce sur quoi on a invoqué un autre nom que...


D'après 'Abû Hurayra (qu'Allah soit satisfait de lui), le Prophète (pbAsl) a dit: "Allah excusera aux fidèles de ma Communauté le mal que leurs âmes leur...

Hadith of the Day

I guarantee a house in Paradise for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right; and I guarantee a house...


" Ceux qui mangent injustement des biens des orphelins ne font que manger du feu dans leurs ventres. Ils brûleront bientôt dans les...


D’après 'Umm Salama, Subay`a Al-'Aslamiyya accoucha quelques jours après la mort de son mari. Ayant consulté l'Envoyé d'Allah (pbAsl) à ce sujet, il lui recommanda de...

[Audio] Radio Daaray Islam (Tivaoune) du 12 mars 2014 avec Sokhna...

Support ICFA Masjid Building Project Donation Account: Bank of America: 483049524371 CHASE BANK: 258057906 Mail to: Islamic Cultural Foundation of America Inc 740 Delafield Ave Staten Island,...

[Audio] Radio Medina BAYE du 12 mars 2014 avec Mamadou Camara...

Support ICFA Masjid Building Project Donation Account: Bank of America: 483049524371 CHASE BANK: 258057906 Mail to: Islamic Cultural Foundation of America Inc 740 Delafield Ave Staten Island,...

[Audio] Voice of Africa avec l’Association des Sénégalais d’Amérique (ASA) du...

Support ICFA Masjid Building Project Donation Account: Bank of America: 483049524371 CHASE BANK: 258057906 Mail to: Islamic Cultural Foundation of America Inc...

Fatwa Show at ICFA Radio & Tijani International Radio with Mouhamed...

Support ICFA Masjid Building Project Donation Account: Bank of America: 483049524371 CHASE BANK: 258057906 Mail to: Islamic Cultural Foundation of America Inc 740...

[Audio] African Times du 10 mars 2014

Support ICFA Masjid Building Project Donation Account: Bank of America: 483049524371 CHASE BANK: 258057906 Mail to: Islamic Cultural Foundation of America...

[Audio] Ecoutez Radio Modou Internationale avec Alain Djiguel du 9 mars...

Support ICFA Masjid Building Project Donation Account: Bank of America: 483049524371 CHASE BANK: 258057906 Mail to: Islamic Cultural Foundation of America Inc 740 Delafield Ave Staten Island, Ny,...

Hadith of the Day

He is not one of us who does not show mercy to our young ones and esteem to our elderly. (At-Tirmidhi and Ahmad)

HAITH DU JOUR : Priere et abreviation

D'après 'Abû Mas`ûd Al-Badrî (qu'Allah soit satisfait de lui), l'Envoyé d'Allah (pbAsl) a dit: "Celui qui récite, la nuit, les deux derniers versets de la...