Eid al-Adha is on Tuesday, October 15, 2013.


EID MUBARAKEid al-Adha is on Tuesday, October 15, 2013. Islamic Cultural Foundation of America celebrates Eid al-Adha a day after the Wuquf of Arafah due to several Sharai’ reasons. Eid al-Fitr is connected only with the sacred timings while Eid al-Adha is connected with sacred timings as well as sacred places such as Arafat, Mina, Muzdalifah and Makkah. Therefore ICFA follows the movements of Hujjaj and celebrates Eid al-Adha a day after the official Wuquf of Arafah. The Hajj authorities have already announced that Sunday, October 6, 2013 is the first day of Zul Hijjah and the Wuquf of Arafah will be on Monday, October 14th. Therefore, Eid al-Adha is on Tuesday, October 15, 2013.

Eid al-Adha Mubarak!