Be balanced


“It’s okay if you like to go to nice halal restaurants, Muslim fashion shows, watch sports, or shop, just don’t neglect your soul… don’t neglect to purify your heart with daily Qur’anic recitation and thikr, don’t neglect to learn how to read Qur’anic Arabic like a pro, don’t neglect to perform your five prayers on time with presence of mind, don’t neglect to learn the basics of theology, Islamic Law, and spirituality from a qualified and compassionate teacher, and don’t neglect to keep your anger and your appetites in check. If you’re going to go hard in the world, you gotta go just as hard for the Hereafter.Love and respect, muhammad ‎#BalanceBalanceBalance

—Imam Muhammad Adeyinka Mendes vIa Sayyid Muhammad Abdullahi Al-Tijani Al-Ibrahimi