Uncategorized [Audio] Fi Ryiadil Quran – Reflexion sur Al place de sir Le verset: “Et Nous ne t’avons envoyé qu’en miséricorde pour l’univers.” avec Mouhamed Sakho Tidjani By Professeur Mouhamed Sakho - April 21, 2015 0 509 Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest WhatsApp Support ICFA Masjid Building Project Donation Account: Bank of America: 483049524371 CHASE BANK: 258057906 Mail to: Islamic Cultural Foundation of America Inc 740 Delafield Ave Staten Island, Ny, 10310. Donate at: www.icfaonline.com Tel:718-448-5252 Listen to radio by calling: (401) 347-0741 May ALLAH reward you