Commemorating the 14th years of the departure of our late Shaykha Sayyida Mariam Drame from the seen world to the Unseen(October 25th 2001-October 25th 2015), . We ask Allah to continue be pleased with her blessed soul Ameen! 1 time Fatiha, 42 times surah Ikhlas and 3 times Salatul Fatih.


zahraCommemorating the 14th years of the departure of our late Shaykha Sayyida Mariam Drame from the seen world to the Unseen(October 25th 2001-October 25th 2015), . We ask Allah to continue be pleased with her blessed soul Ameen! 1 time Fatiha, 42 times surah Ikhlas and 3 times Salatul Fatih.